This is the complete list of 47 prefectures in Japan, in alphabetical order.
This list is not numbered, not ordered by regions or islands in Japan. Just a list of Japanese prefectures both in Romaji (Roman alphabet) & Kanji.
47 Prefectures of Japan;
Aichi (愛知)
Akita (秋田)
Aomori (青森)
Chiba (千葉)
Ehime (愛媛)
Fukui (福井)
Fukuoka (福岡)
Fukushima (福島)
Gifu (岐阜)
Gunma (群馬)
Hiroshima (広島)
Hokkaido (北海道)
Hyogo (兵庫)
Ibaraki (茨城)
Ishikawa (石川)
Iwate (岩手)
Kagawa (香川)
Kagoshima (鹿児島)
Kanagawa (神奈川)
Kochi (高知)
Kumamoto (熊本)
Kyoto (京都)
Mie (三重)
Miyagi (宮城)
Miyazaki (宮崎)
Nagano (長野)
Nagasaki (長崎)
Nara (奈良)
Niigata (新潟)
Oita (大分)
Okayama (岡山)
Okinawa (沖縄)
Osaka (大阪)
Saga (佐賀)
Saitama (埼玉)
Shiga (滋賀)
Shimane (島根)
Shizuoka (静岡)
Tochigi (栃木)
Tokushima (徳島)
Tokyo (東京)
Tottori (鳥取)
Toyama (富山)
Wakayama (和歌山)
Yamagata (山形)
Yamaguchi (山口)
Yamanashi (山梨)
And that’s the end of the list.
Would you like to have this in another order?
Just let me know in the comments please.
And thank you for your visit, Tim.
Thank you
Please rank on the prefecture with the most attractive women to least. Thanks!
Good idea — I’ll do it as soon as I’ve visited all of the prefectures and checked out their women first. Thanks.
Nice List, Helped me out a bunch!